Clawice, can’t wait to taste your body baby!
I eat the chocolate first, then the ice cream instead of eating them at the same time. What weird ways do you eat food?
Why do people care so much about us having careers and working?
This guy is the textbook definition of women repellent
I can’t get over how pathetic Lorne’s mugshot is. He’s such a moronic little bitch.
I messed up and bid $5099 when I meant to bid $5.99 how do I cancel?
Hitting Rock-Bottom
The reddit Pro-Ukraine astroturf has gone into hyperdrive
A mass licking
WJHL footage from the Harshbarger townhall
1 removed from event as crowd shouts at Rep Harshbarger
LeVar Burton visits ETSU
What’s one thing you wish you knew before moving into your current apartment?
Fast food has gone so high in price and worst in quality, that it change my life for the best.
Reddit posts using Redgifs are now being blocked in Tennessee
Well I want a kiss first.
Lady, you've had enough kissing
A modest proposal: make Knoxville weird again to prevent further property price increases
Has ebay been slow for anyone else?
Sean Williams receives maximum sentence of 95 years
8 southern states in top 10 for NET migration
He just couldnt wait for his turn
The Band's DVD Commentaries