Kava in England
UK Meds Hub - Legit?
Of all the stupid shit Elon has said, this might be the stupidest
What is your opinion on the 9th Doctor?
Has L-Theanine worked for you?
Could someone interpret my stress ECG results please? 28M. 6ft/220lb. Out of shape. My cardiologist said the test was low risk/reassuring, but I am concerned about the moderate risk category. Thanks in advance
Kava-kava in the UK
Can you get artery disease at 23?
Introducing my Doctor
What’s a movie that left you absolutely speechless after the credits rolled?
Having a panic attack right now
Update on EU Meds, I reached out and this is the response I received.
what hobbies do you do that actually help with anxiety?
Most unlikeable supporting character?
What’s the most addictive game you’ve ever played?
One sentence someone told you that’s stuck in your head to this day
Stress test results, all good?
"Lalo only died because Gus had plot armor"
Stress test anxiety
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
Did cannabis just ruined my brain forever?
Chuck may have been a bit crazy, but he was 100% right here
What type of pill could I take for extreme exam anxiety?
what do y’all think about tuco’s junkyard outburst? was it just him being a loose cannon, or was no-doze actually out of line?