Thoughts on the new album?
So uhh I found out my mom is the same age as Joe
They. Are. So. Fine
What’s your most recently beaten demon level?
So, what's your best 1st attempt from 0 on a difficult level?
Just created this absolute unit of a top 1, can't wait for it to get verified and rated.
Silent Poltergeist just got verified by Whizkid!
After about two weeks of grinding the level, I finallu beat B as my new hardest!
I was planning to make a level untill i remembered im colorblind ☠️
How many H can you type while holding your breath?
Rename your favorite Tyler, the Creator song into a clickbait YouTube title
Rename your favorite AM song into a clickbait YouTube title
How do creators make art like this?
What demon difficulty does this intro remind you of?
Recently switched to computet to beat my upcoming hardest easier
Send your hardest fake album covers
So be it, let's ___ together.
I’m gonna say the funny word! I’m gonna do it… ___!! See? It’s funny. Laugh please, now. Do it. Laugh.
What causes the weird egg thing to appear and re appear
What the fuck is the shit above them?
Wild ahh conversation
Finally Beat TOE2, Planning on doing an entry medium next.
What is Tally Hall's best 4-track run in your opinion? (Side projects included, but mostly looking for main ones)
Progress on my list (?) demon