Anyone do a prostate exam on a standardized patient in med school?
Dudes, what's your superpower?
!!!URGENT!!! 3am Epic chat from your floor nurse
Is America always the best place for practicing physicians, in terms of money and lifestyle?
This house must’ve had some crazy fire proofing.
Anyone who does 7/7 work extra on their off weeks?
F*ck your productivity system. Seriously.
New Attending FI Journey - 1.5 Year Update
Freak accident: my father felt 13 ft into sewage water and drowned. Now he is at intensive care.
Threading the needle in a flight suit
Those that are patient-facing, do you like doing physical exams?
On a Ten hour flight from Seoul Korea to San Francisco, a mother handed out more than 200 goodie bags filled with candy and ear plugs, in case her 4 month old child cried during the flight. A very touching gesture by the mother.
Warthog’s incredible reflexes
How do you create a web app in 2024? What tools are used today?
"Non-epileptic seizures"
We are almost there.....
happy accident for him
My husband and I’s reading room (day and night)
Financial considerations for someone entering medicine later in life.
If you were forced to start medical school in 2025, what medical specialty would you go into and why? From a financial/work life balance ROI perspective
I'm pretty far left/liberal, but I just found out that you can have an elective abortion in places like Washington D.C. up to 32 weeks. Having been a part of successful pre-term deliveries, that makes me a little uneasy. How do you guys reconcile that?
“A primary care physician costs $344,308 a year, whereas a primary care NP costs about $156,546. Yet primary care NPs can generate $424,979 of direct revenue a year, only $37,000 less than a physician.”
favorite gaslighting line to patients?
Action Daydream
What's a little secret that you know only because of what you do?