LovelyLor is supporting DevilInspired
Gothic Lolita with no crosses
Lolitas, what is the HOLIEST GRAIL TO EVER GRAIL for you that is not a dress? (which would be blouses, accessories, etc)
Some things sears in Braintree sells!! (Kenmore products still here)
For lolitas in relationships, how did your partner first react to seeing your Lolita and how are they about it now?
This just scared the living daylights out of me 😭
What is your most used Lolita item?
Having a non autistic boyfriend that funds your special interests
Stress of getting compliments
I’m moving soon to my wife’s house - and I’m anxious
I find it harder to befriend other girls than I do with boys
Can anyone else feel pictures
Question for the girls
Shrodinger from hellsing gotta have the best character design
can't find the key to my childhood diary 💔
Where did the teens in j fashion communities go
How do some of you forget to drink water like waters amazing 😭
How many languages can you speak fluently??
Can you say “yes” in another language
What is something you think you could eat everyday for 3 straight months and never get sick of?
Ladies, how do you keep your lip mask on overnight without getting it all over your pillows?
What hobbies look deceptively cheap to outsiders but is insanely expensive if you were try it yourself?
Gatekeeping active bands
If reddit existed 200 years ago, which questions would be trending?
What’s something super basic that you’re absolutely awful at?