Character Scent tier list
Our team BARELY lost this match - what could we have done differently?
what does my top 6 say about me
What are business baby’s powers other than getting squished
What character you DON'T wanna see added?
upon it's release has your overall opinion on who's side your on changed or has it remained the same since?
What's a hill you're willing to die on in this game
What does my top 6 says about me?
So could someone tell me how a Spiderman who isn’t holding back can allegedly defeat Thor?
Spoilers for 3x07
How many of you have Mains in each class?
What game first comes to mind when you see this?
Are you cooked or Nah?
With everyone at full strength, how many Avengers could MCU Spider-Man realistically beat off? Who would you like to see him fight the most?
110. I feel uncomfortable.
What is your favorite MCU movie and why is it Thor: Ragnarok?
[r/cats] some space ship crashed in the forest behind my house but all I found was some dead green guys and this fella what the FUCK should I name him?
What are your top five Marvel movies that you rewatch the most?
You've got to be kidding me
Why is everyone acting like Spidermans identity didn't get unveiled as Peter Parker 5 years ago, what did it get wiped from your minds or something?
TMNT and Avengers switch villains for a year who’s having a harder time?
Been busy (artist: graysheartart)
Can we please stop messing around and all agree this is trash?
I think studios knows only these two while casting a movie