What’s a drama you almost dropped but are glad you stuck with in the end?
Friendly rivalary
Friendly Rivalry Episode 15 discussion
Friendly Rivalry Episode 13 Discussion
Friendly Rivalry episode 11
Americans, have you heard of the Holy Roman Empire?
Quad difference?
do you think this will actually be monkey bars?
Do you believe in the labor theory of value?
Mentally ill incel wants to eat raw meat.
Emotionally Drained in my Marriage
[ Removed by Reddit ]
When did you gain consciousness?
What was your experience in middle school?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Anybody else find it a little ironic? I bet this dude does an unhealthy amount of masturbation
Thanos is Chaotic Evil! What do you think?
Valentine's Day: How Halaal is it?
Deok-su is True Evil, who's Chaotic Evil? Most upvoted wins
The recruiter is Lawful Evil, who's True Evil? Most upvoted wins
They finally realized the truth
Parents take percentage of my wages
Mi-nyeo is Chaotic Neutral, who's Lawful Evil? Most upvoted wins
Is it irrational to take pride in something one cannot control?
Bi-Weekly Marriage Opinions/View and Rant Megathread