Chambers of Xeric is the single best piece of content on OSRS post QOL changes
With new prayers out, would it make sense to finish TOA before moving to COX?
Things that get under your skin
Saradomin Brews Prevent Pkers From Actually Risking
Are we doing something wrong at COX?
High level slayer: better to turael skip or train regularly?
Cox rates hurt
Too Many Mahogany Logs
What gear to add/drop for TOA? Never done any raids before but need to stop procrastinating. I know skill>gear but what is a realistic invo to run with this gear? Added current stats as well. Any and all help/advice is appreciated!
scythe soon pls
How many irons do you think have all three megarares?
I just want to actually hit with melee in TOA please game.
Starting off CoX strong with 100 solos dry (how do people complete this raid?)
Ok WTF Muspah
Is it really worth it to bank hydra bones?
Died once trying to learn solo cox and got my first purple
BOWFA Skipping and sentiments changing
Fang luck
How do you motivate yourself to do pvm if you’re bad
Majority solo 300s. Sprinkle in 3-4 man 350s.
Just spooned my first ever mega rare on my iron
I need the blessing of the boys! Give me the yellow gem please! 200kc pain!
The end game grind is real I guess
What are some unbearable grinds in rs?
Loot from completing a venator bow