The real video of musk "abandoning" his kid. Let's be better and not spread lies.
How long do I have?
Should I replace just the front, or all four?
Who’s done the most damage to David Lucas’s career?
Artist said I could lose my tattoo
What’s off about our kitchen?
What would you say to me about getting a cf shaft
[Guide] What cue should I get?
Salted Caramel Ice Cream
I see this a dozen times a night while doordashing
Despite sharing traits with anteaters and aardvarks, protein and DNA sequence research has revealed that pangolins are actually a member of the Pan-Carnivora.
Priest gets caught sniffing blow, then gets himself a lady friend to sniff some more.
Is this okay to eat?
You couldn’t wait 5 seconds?
Pizza hut tripping
Which song would you pick?
Captain Hollanda's alien implant received after an encounter. He was likely targeted because he was the leader of a mission to collect intel on their violent attacks at Colares in 1977.
Saw this last night.
How many do you kill?
What does my art taste like?
I hate this.
Southeast Ohio – 12/22/24 at 5:35 PM "Traveling at 5,500 feet, this passed right above me."
Name the game. (I’m probably going to catch flak for my choice)