Should I be worried I am petite 5”0 healthy weight and have found out I’m pregnant with twins?
I'm new here, my son has had a NG tube since birth and we are officially moving to Gtube. What do you wish you knew or feel like sharing?
I hate being pregnant...
So, what did you build your babies out of?
Are home health companies still giving out Kangaroo Joey pumps to new feeding tube patients?
My twins are on the growth curve!
Question for parents of young babies on G-tubes
Is this normal?
Any tips for a newbie to G tube? Taking care of my dad who has a G tube.
What is the most annoying unsolicited advice you’ve been given?
My girlfriend is allergic to me
Do you feel full?
Was I passively su*cidal as a child?
Today in EDS is a joke
Sooo Medicaid is down
Twins only want one parent
Do preemie baby's fart more?
Please for the love of god I am desperate for help
Is it wrong i want kids?
First peds appointment
Don’t be like me—take your stool softeners
Am I the only parent that does this...?
how do you name twins/triplets/multiples??
I have such a chill baby
Anyone else?