Tel sleeping upside down
Out Run - Sega Saturn
How many cats do you have ?Would three be too many?
My wife switched the radio on 🤣
Atic Atac was the first game I played on the Spectrum back in 1983
Rolling Thunder, an excellent arcade game from back in the good old days!
Just joined...he is my cutie
WOAH!!! Look at Harold’s fat tail 🤣
Having a go at Paperboy tonight. I need those handlebars!!
Rampage on the Commodore 64, an arcade classic!
I've started with the arcade version of Buggy Boy but it's tricky to control using a keyboard! 🤣
TOB's clearly not tired yet!
Playing Way of the Exploding Fist on the C64. It's been a while and I need to practice those controls! 🤣
Whoops! I sneezed 🤣
Another of my favourites is Infiltrator on the Commodore 64. I got this for Christmas in 1986.
Another classic incoming. Law of West on the Commodore 64
Another favourite and an absolute classic, Geoff Crammond's Stunt Car Racer on the Commodore Amiga
Another favourite this time. River Raid by Carol Shaw and on the Atari 2600
Starting the day off with Head Over Heels on the Speccy
Another favourite. Hardball on the Commodore 64
Moving onto another favourite - Jetpac on the Speccy.
TOB's had a bit of catnip and now playing with her favourite toy 🐟
I'm going to play some of my favourites over the next couple of days starting with the arcade version of Bubble Bobble
Harold. He's so cute ❤️