is anyone else absolutely terrified of netting amano shrimp
Is my ds cooked?
where can i buy adhesive for the top screen lens/lcd??
Shell Swapping isn't as east as one would think
Teddys coat at 1 vs Teddys coat at 8. I fear by the time he’s 10 he’ll be completely transparent
nintendo ds lite stuck on both white screen
Is there any reason why i shouldn’t buy fake ds games?
I think i damaged my ribbon cable while doing a reshell, where do i go from here?
How’s my stocking?
where can i buy multicolor abxy buttons?
Are these guys big for ramshorns? Can they get bigger?
First eggnant mamma
What is your most disliked part of making a quilt?
please tell me the pros and cons to owning shrimp 🫶
Safe places to learn how to drive in san Jacinto/hemet?
All this politics BS is against the rules and is ruining this sub
This is the darkest i can go without my family freaking out lol
Eggs dropped and I don't know why
Adult shrimp disappearing babies thriving
1 billion cutiebugs
never had shrimp before…
How many times do you wake up during the night, on average
how can i get rid of these early wrinkles? I WANT TO start taking good care of my skin (M21)
Can I keep shrimp in tap water?
Concern for in person shopping at LQS