Fellas, what's your fav musicians coming out of NZ?
My Asuka Langley attempt :3
Songs similar to this one?
Songs where you can really hear the emotion in the singers voice.
Save-scum bad?
Any good resources on fingerstyle/fingerpicking fast?
I'm the highest ranking teemo (and OTP) in the world, and the #1 player in BR server, AMA
How do you keep distance to certain champs properly?
Aight. Fellas. I just got rolled and smoked by a Maokai
Question regarding a Manco1 video
I get enjoyment from my enemies not enjoying the game
How do i move away from being a one-trick
OTP Teemo names
Hello Teemo friends :^) Some Teemo related questions:
New teleport is horrible for Maiden.
Why is split pushing considered worse this season?
How to ping properly?
How I see every role_main subreddit
What are you go to builds for ww top?
What is your favorite location in vanilla Skyrim?
What’s your favorite build?
This is gold medal at the Olympics levels of a weird take
How do you guys level up your heavy armor? Me personally, I just let 3 bandits fist me to death then heal.
Poison damage and giant spiders - How do they work? (Legendary difficulty)
Skyrim legendary one life run as a generic melee character??