Even the pros say it… long par 3s are stupid.
Beginner help
JFK layover
Hardest course you’ve ever played?
Home interest vs appreciation rate
For personal trainers, do you yourself have a trainer? Or attend group fitness classes?
God do I fucking suck at perrying guardians
Is a social media presence required to be successful in this field?
How to implement idea without it being stolen
Is paying for thumbtack worth it?
Picado and sympathetic resonance
Putt reading for beginners
Serious - What keeps world leaders from being the first to disclosure?
Periodization for gen pop
How does this work??
Footswitch for mustang lt25
Best sauna/steam room
This happened today on the course. Posting here because no one else will understand this feeling.
Any thoughts on Charlie Johnson online fitness business coaching?
Help me feel better...
Anyone know if a good luthier in Columbus or surrounding area?
Is my PT asking me to eat 6 whole eggs and 10 egg whites?
When did you start getting promo deals?
more info about the marching nazis
How hard for a guitar player to learn