Can’t access Alpha anymore
I'm a simple man
Splitgate lan support
favorite build?
After 56.266 kills and 3 days I finally got Pollen Incendiary! :D
my thoughts on the alpha
Best/Most Fun Gamemode?
Hot Take: The Worst SG1 Map is Better than the Best SG2 Map
Anyone know what the deal was with this?
Splitgate 2 Alpha is Now Over - Thank You For Playing!
my splitgate 2 wont launch
Didn't receive the dev skin.
This game needs a 120 fps mode on ps5 asap !
Am I just bad at Splitgate 2 or are portals pointless?
Not receiving Twitch Drops? (Splitgate 2)
120 fps mode for console
None of the skins are unlocking for me
I'm Ian Proulx, creator of Splitgate 2 and CEO of 1047 Games. Ask Me Anything!
Twitch drops no email
Why no waiting room
If I can shot a portal through the grate, surely my sticky grenade can go through too right?
Where is the original Splitgate item shop?
MEGATHREAD: Splitgate 2 Open Alpha Feedback