500 hours lost to a DC
Seeking more noobs for our noob Guild! (Doomhowl)
Imagine being this upset because someone is forming their own group instead of joining yours
What is one word that people wrongly pronounce that makes your brain just wanna jump a cliff?
Gamers of Reddit, what is the game you have spent the most hours in?
Favorite episode of South Park
It's crazy to me that this was within the first 2 minutes of the season.
What is the deal with Hunters in WOW?
To those of you who died and transferred to Dreamscythe, what are your thoughts?
HC wow deaths hit hard
What to do from 28-30?
Did you know someone who had this kind of TV back in the day?
We FC'd Scarlet Monastery for the first time as a guild group! :D
How I feel with the anniversary classic WoW
Started up my first HC character today