I always see how Wow can be bad for mental health, but it has saved mine. Anyone else?
Cinderbrew Meadery first boss for DISC priest
How to boost character?
Lil question about LFR lockout
must i be in a guild to raid beyond LFR?
Can T cause joint pain?
How to get two-seats mounts?
Race changes
At what point do you lose respect for an author outside of illegal crap?
I keep getting fired and dumped, and I realized it's because I'm a really, really toxic person.
can your period stop after only one month on T?
most populated area
Druid specialization
Can I on my leveled acc party up with a new player and help them?
Fastest way to get worgen mounts?
When can I start Timewalking Dungeons on different alts such as DK and Monk?
Getting dc penalty bc of cheatee
The Valentine's event dungeon also has a Drake Manuscript Armor drop that I swear is rarer than the love rocket and the sweeper.
The wow scam
So glad that BHVR fixed RPD before 2v8... this is trash on so many levels...
I agree that Legion is unhealthy for the mode, but getting a Frenzy like this feels great
Cross faction guild limitations
If you have a Prestige 100, please open this !
Struggling to find Elder Graveborn
Feral energy issues?