New "Coward" meta
Ignoring beast, which gohan (super hero) form is best in terms of gameplay?
Looks like Ui Goku’s and SSJ4 Gogeta mains switching over to Beast Gohan 💀
Cell max needs a patch
No one rematches anymore
Androids vs. Everyone
Spam ki blasts while backing up, go sparking mode, try to ult… lol glad I beat him, can’t believe people make it so far in the ranks without ever trying to melee
Hit Rank Z
Is it too early to decide?…Which Ultimate do you like more?
The scales have been balanced
there is no way
S4 Player has a fair and clean match with me and even ends the match respectfully when he realizes how outmatched I am! I love this community.
DLC Characters
What Sparking Zero fighter is this?
Be honest! Whose the worst character to fight against?
Landed a spirit bomb on someone after I had already killed them, and instead of ending the match it played the full ultimate.
No UI’s in sight
A ranked match where players can ban up to 3 characters before the match starts
B5 solo players are a bit strange
Probably my fault for not vanishing properly, but still who plays like that 😭
Toxic Players…?
The comeback goes crazy!
pre-patch gameplay, beat the heaven of a ssjb Gogeta in less than 60 sec without being touch 😅
When in doubt, prevent SSJB Gogeta from activating sparking mode