What’s your favorite nonhuman Stephen King character?
What am I?
Which Stephen King Book Deserves a Film Adaptation?
What piece of music always gives you goosebumps?
What song gives you hope?
Songs where you can really hear the emotion in the singers voice.
Always a useful reminder
Stephen king books will be so good and then he’ll just casually throw in a really…weird/problematic scene. Why???
I have never cried during a movie. Recommend me my first!
What form would Pennywise take to scare you?
If you had to live in the Stephen King multiverse, where would you live and why?
What song should play when America crumbles?
Are you scared of anyone you know personally?
I have a confession
They can't all be winners. What are your most boring Stephen King books?
Five minutes until you die, what song are you playing?
If your life was a movie, what genre would it currently be?
If you’re life was a movie, who would be the director?
What’s a supernatural experience you’ve had?
What’s something strange that humans do?
When did you realize you grew up?
What band do you intensely dislike for no real reason?
Which song is it?
Out of these 3 which should I start next
What’s your favorite college marching band?