Name Season 2 Characters you Like but Everybody Else Hates
Pick a Number 1-100
Which Actor or Actress Has Been a Misfit for a Role?
They are going to ruin a damn good show... please fucking dont
This girl just can't seem to catch a break
Kya Baat hai! 🙏🫡🙌 give him an award
What do I look like I listen to? If you guess right, I’ll tell you.
Based on my appearance what is the music you think I listen to (no cheating)
Anyone dealing with complicated grief ??
Has anhedonia affected your appetite?
How do you guys deal with having no sense of time??
Do you think he will bring back the Rom-Com era back in Bollywood? (body text)
Day 15: Most Iconic Role by Deepika Padukone
Songs you love by musicians you dislike?
What song do you never skip no matter how many times you’ve heard it?
Name a band you're completely obsessed with!!
Day 14: Most Iconic Role by Alia Bhatt
Looks like Ananya is confirmed female lead of TMMTMTTM
Kajol or Bebo who is a better actress in your opinion?
What's the point of living like this?
This might be the most embarrassing clip
Who is yours?
How you guys deal with anger and impatience
What song has you like this