Never in my life did I think I would agree with a Frenchman.
Playing Venice in SP is probably one of the easiest ways to win?
Scarcerato Traini, terrorista condannato a 12 anni per tentata strage; ne ha scontati 7, sarà affidato ai servizi sociali
Secondo Sergey Brin (Google), lavorare 60 ore a settimana è il "punto ottimale di produttività"
[The Jungle Book 2016] why doesn't Baloo just kill Shere Khan?
Il partner che guadagna di più paga più spese al mese
How much of Italy's WWII 'Side-Switching' was driven by pragmatism vs. anti-fascist sentiment?
[Terminator] Why doesn't Skynet simply attempt to rule over humans?
[Invincible] Why does the GDA not execute villains like the mauler twins? Cecil and most hero’s don’t seem to mind killing like hero’s in DC or marvel do.
Sono una donna transgender, AMA
Could Zenigata solve the Kira case? He has full reign over the investigation and can do whatever he wants (even asking Lupin for help)
Who could permanently fix global warming the fastest - Superman vs Dr. Manhattan
La Chiesa all'ultimo Conclave?
Andrea Papi ucciso dall’orsa Jj4: non ci sarà alcun processo. L’amarezza dei famigliari: «Una pugnalata»
Political cartoon from SFR-Yugoslavia, depicting WW2 leader of the Independent State of Croatia, Ante Pavelić (leashed), with his masters, Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler (1960s)
Le probabilità di impatto di un asteroide nel 2032 aumenta al 2,6%, lo afferma la NASA
Why was China never a market for Western goods from ancient times to the nineteenth century?
What if the soviet union falls to the nazis in ww2?
TIL that Nazi general Erwin Rommel was allowed to take cyanide after being implicated in a plot to kill Hitler. To maintain morale, the Nazis gave him a state funeral and falsely claimed he died from war injuries.
'Speaking of time-tables' — German leaflet from the Second World War (1944) mocking the Allies' slow progress in the Italian campaign.
La falsa credenza che le donne brutte sono buone e gentili mentre quelle belle sono stronze
What are the major political parties in your countries? What are the (if any) unusual or peculiar political parties?
Come cambio le banconote in monete?
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