Thoughts On Animal Sacrifices?
Happy Śrī Day to all the representatives of Mother Lakṣmī here 🙏 I bow down to Śrī, the mother of all beings, seated on her lotus throne, with eyes like full-blown lotuses, reclining on the chest of Lord Viṣṇu.
Is it possible, or normal, really, to acknowledge (or rather believe) that religion isn't actually real, but still believe in a religion?
do you believe all religions are men centric?
Indra and Ahalya
Western Hindus on this Sub
Indra, Ahalya, and the Struggle Between Dharma and Desire
What do you think other religions are?
My Views On Jesus
Interesting Experience At Church Today
Interesting Experience At Church
Is believing in god a way of comfort?
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Trans As A Medical Condition
What do non binary people transition into?
Why Do People Assume Sometimes LGBT People Are Progressive And Secular?
Is There A Politics Word For My Beliefs?
Which type are you?
who would be your favourite guest, dead or alive?
Religion poll
What movie is this for you?
Thinking About Going Vegetarian As A 13 Year Old!!
Transsex people of faith