Berlin Bar in the Arts District is a punk bar owned by a MAGA loving Elon loving chud. Nazi Punks FUCK OFF!
I'm gonna be RICH if Ethan doesn't drop the nuke today
Best Asian country / city to buy new or used Sony lenses from while traveling?
Respectfully what is this
Had no idea antisemitism was so rampant until I brought up H3 to a "celebrity's" IG live and I finally get what Ethan's going through
This is how commonplace antisemitism is. Remember Lilly Gaddis? The "tradwife" that became an overnight right wing star because she said the hard r in her videos? (Was covered on the show)
Did production have a plan if ******* received 5 votes?
What sound bite is currently stuck in your head?
Video restarts when I add to queue (on Xfinity app)
Can anyone explain why basic strategy is hit a 16 vs dealer 7+ but counting is stand on 16 vs 10 at TC 0+?
Classic rock songs that sound similar to Le Risque?
Friend of the show Mike Majlak, enemy of the show Logan Paul, and a convicted felon in new Tiktok post
Zherka kissing all over a 16 year old girl on Kick stream
New issue when casting
Having two / three artists work on one piece?
Streamers gettin their yeehaw on for Thunder Junction
delete if not allowed but this moment was too good
One ticket for Santa Ana tonight available
Dad died of cancer a year ago, Mom told me she's going on a date tonight and I'm distraught.
[B] [USA-NV] Sony A7CR
Cheers my dude, Love ya, No homo
How can I take long focal length photos at night? Any ideas for shooting 200-600mm at night?
What criminal committed an almost perfect crime and what was the thing that messed it up?
$200k in cash, unemployed, no debt, very low monthly payments. Wanting to use some amount of my money to invest in myself and a small business