Oh look, it’s little miss _______
If you are a folkmore girly, who are your other favorite artists? Favorite songs?
Is "Candy Store" the best song in the Musical or is it just wildly overrated?
Fellas I’m making an EVIL autism playlist so I need EVIL songs for this EVIL AUTISM playlist
Who's it gonna be?
Taylor Swift's songs with the most cryptic lyrics?
People who dislike a movie due to it being outdated
Favorite Record Side: TTPD Results
What songs do you really like but would never listen to unless it‘s in the context of listening to the whole album?
Ouija, what is the sexiest r34?
22M, can I ask you for honest opinion?
What's the BEST song on Fearless? 💛 [Day 1#]
Why have tampons changed ? They don’t expand at all anymore.
What direction could Taylor move in TS12 that would genuinely surprise you?
Heal the world. Make it a better place. For you and for me and the entire _____ race.
Do you think of/refer to yourself as ‘crazy’?
What Taylor song represents 9am to you?
What are sounds in a name you dislike?
How are you doing with your Bipolar?!
How many times have you said a bad word on reddit
Guess the exact year i was born in based on my taste in music over time
My boyfriend assaulted me but I’m not traumatized
Who has the best and worst taste out of my friends?