Movies in Book-Style Cases—Looking for More Like These!
This dude is trying to sell his pro wrestling comic book on kickstarter.
¡Hablo Ingles!
TIFU by telling a sweet old lady she was ugly.
[WP]Killing Hitler has become a sport amongst time travelers. Points are awarded for creativity and difficulty. You are last year's champion, how did you win?
This year's t-shirt for tonight's game against Dallas. Check us out in section 124. Go Jazz!
Rather than an inside out sequel, pixar should retell their movies from the feelings perspective. Starting with Up.
TIL One of the top vasectomy doctors in Austin is Dick Chopp
Running is baptism for my eating sins
Filmkeep is no longer invite only. An interesting way to keep track of movies you watch. Still trying to decide if I like it or not.
I made some shirts for my friends and I to wear vs Rockets. What do you think?
TIFU by being an oblivious father
[WP] You offer to sell your soul to the devil. He isn't interested.
TIL You're supposed to tip at Sonic drive-in.
Superman must have been sent to earth because humans are one of the few species he can procreate with and keep the Kryptonian race alive. Lex luthor wins the more he distracts Superman from his true purpose.
The Last Airbending Turtle (Repost)
Upvote Turtle gets an upvote