Neuroscience Advice for 1st yr Life Sci
When to start studying for tests? What about final exams?
1st year life sci student, looking to specialize in neuroscience next year. Are there any upper year neuroscience studentson here that can help?
1LS3. Call me crazy but…
Help with neuroscience application, 1st year life sci student
Math 1 LS3 HELP!?
Noise Complaint Not working
Good bookstores in Hamilton?
Mac Social Life
How To Pack. Suitcase Full of Books?
First year student
Where to buy seeds to plant in Kuwait?
What do you to have fun?
How's University life like?
Gonna take her with me next Tuesday. What should I name her?
name me
What do you think his name is?
Suggest a name
People of Kuwait: What is your favorite thing about Kuwait?
Importance of Mannerisms
is this english translation a reliable translation of the quran? Im arabic but never learnt arabic so im trying to read it in english atleast first before i learn arabic
Future Wife Converted 3 Months Ago❤️
Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzāq al Badr speaking about our deceased brother Ahmad Zeeshan ‘Arafāt
Why do I feel so stupid and old being 25 years old and still and undergrad student finally graduating?
How to deal with the idea that family might not go to jannah?