Career Crossroads: From Law Dreams to IT
Tutorial on buying from sellers
Stanley x Starbucks
Professional Presentation
Is this Dior Shirt Legit?
Weekly "Ask Ah Trini" Thread 🇹🇹 December 25, 2023
Trinbagonian Patriotism
Immigration the US
Cock went from 6.8 in pump to 7.4 in 2 months with just stretching a pumping is this normal or due to EQ?
This Trini bought Bitcoin when it was $1US for 1BTC and is now a billionaire
Job hunting
How much time do you spend commuting to and from work each day on average?
Ordered refurbished second gen pros from Best Buy. What the hell am I looking at
Biggest upset win?
Get GXL rug pull confirmed ?
AITA for sending this message after opponent tried the scholar's mate?
Lichess is for cheaters
How did he do it?
High-paying or underrated jobs in Trinidad
Job offer in Trinidad
Nepo being a baby and slapping Hari’s hand after he “slipped 5 times in a row.”
AirPods Max from marketplace
STEM degrees
Petroleum Engineering degree
Does anyone else think about their ex literally all day?