Okay now that this absolute re##rd has taken down season 25, what scene from ST would you give him as a punishment.
Reported Sergey’s scheme to INVIS
G-toilet must’ve been giving his ass back shots throughout this reaction because what is bro doing💀
Its 8:40 am: Furukawa has opened his “homework” folder by mistake
8:38 AM: Furukawa hit the second tower
If the Secret Agents (computermen?) get a theme song, it needs to be a remix of this or imma tweak
wow thats not what i expected.
Youtube watch history shows length of vid
This guy’s videos are actually really good. This should replace spiddy’s spot.
alright the episode aint coming out this weekend
Who's the main launch Hardware Abby specie
Someone on the Switch 2 Discord server who apparently has an insider said there will be a surprise next week
My goober came today
My goober came in the mail
Guys spidarrund posted
Spidarrund's fambase be like the Roman Empire rn
From elite cameraman’s newest video. This is gonna round up the season to over 50 minutes long! (Not to mention the changes in the 3 episodes)
I am coughing up blood with the flu
Why did it make Leshy get flowers on his head when i gave him his eye?
have some collab concept art
I made a post predicting this months ago and no one believed me
That also happens to include you, Mr. Roboto
I think we might've found someone as delusional as Andrew