People who drive a cybertruck, who the fuck hit you so hard in the head that you decided to drive that hunk of shit when you can clearly afford something way sexier?
Is there any "jokes" that writers keep putting in movies that have never got a laugh from you?
What is something you don't realize is weird until you really think about it?
AITA for refusing cake my cousin's girlfriend bought for my daughter.
His biggest problem other than going full throttle was trying to turn the plane with the yoke.
Holy shite
What’s the most useless thing people do without realizing it?
He admitted it and I'm at a loss
how is the protest going?
AITA for not refunding my friend $600 after she bailed on our group trip
What helicopter are they flying?
Flying 1 meter above the ocean
Favorite movie where the protagonist dies
But i had my signal on
Honk is a new brake
What’s the biggest "Nah, I’m out" moment you’ve had on a date?
I told my wife that if I was going to take her back she would need to write me out a full confession. This is what she wrote:
If they can rename "Manic Depressive" to "Bipolar Disorder," and "suicidal thoughts" to "suicidal ideation," why TF can't they rename "antipsychotic" to something that doesn't make us sound like a bunch serial killers!
My guitars were destroyed in a fire caused by a drone strike on my apartment
What's a common thing people say that makes no sense?
What do mermaids eat?
Please help. Can’t afford repair right now and I never had a father figure. Genuinely what is my first move here?
Found out my wife cheated 12 years ago, 8 months after we were married.
The secret guest appears to have a problem with this wedding
Was this engine placement ever a thing in real life? Would this even work performance and reliability wise? (This jet is originally from the videogame GTA 4)