Where to view Statue of Liberty from a distance?
Where to get a view of the Statue of Liberty for cheap?
I'm 33. Do I keep trying to find someone I'm madly in love with or do I settle down with someone I like who'd be a great partner?
I need some advice! Doc said weight loss is capped at 15% of total body weight!
Sex drive
Did semaglutide help you give up alcohol?
Skipping Thanksgiving week?
How many lbs lost until you noticed a difference?
What arc do you think they’ll stop at
My friend said one piece is for kids when he found out I enjoy reading the manga. Who else is an adult enjoyer of this awesome books/anime?
Your dosage sweet spot?
Am I always gonna feel awful?
Did going on semaglutide save you money?
Picking up a pass for someone else (questions)
Very low hdl. How concerned should I be?
How much do you really miss the early parenting days?
Do you ever heal insecurities, really?
First injection today! Any tips?
How much physical activity did you do in your late 40s?
Shook my sema vial before every shot 😱
Drinking Alcohol on Sema
Start weight
Can I eat regular food?
How exactly does it work?
6 weeks in