Share your TLJ theater experience
Case studies and take home assignment are a scam.
The job market is broken beyond repair
Sad and tired of these companies.
What does r/Mauler think of Nope
No fire AND it's had it's legs amputated? That can't be good...
New faces?
Anyone else just checking out?
Gladiator 2
New pixel watch faces PW2?
UX IC to UX lead in a different company- How did you make it?
Pixel Watch 1 Not Updating
PW face
Passed all the interviews, including the final one with the director, with flying colours and multiple praise, yet HR sent me the standard "not selected for further consideration"
I keep getting rejected on final rounds. I feel suicidal so much
Only $85 left in my bank account
Opinioni su questo post?
No matter how much some people dislike Rey, you have to admire how Daisy Ridley gave the role her 100%
TLJ. I...I...just hate it so much. What did you hate most?
Who was worse for Star Wars: J.J. Abrams or Rian Johnson?
Continue Rey's story
"Novelist Alan Dean Foster wrote a treatment for Star Wars: Episode IX that the prolific author says would have retconned "as much as possible" from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, which Foster calls a "terrible film' and a 'terrible Star Wars movie.'"
And A Masterpiece It Was
The Cantina loves VIII
But good cowboy man would never do that right? RIGHT???