Is the most recent patch a joke?
ExileCon 2019: "This isn't going to be a sudden patch - oh by the way the games bad now"
What's the deal with One of reddits most prolific mods N8thegr8 deleted their account, is there any rhyme or reason why?
Pressure grows on Cloudflare to drop Kiwi Farms after latest doxing campaign
It's not defamation if it is the truth
The Euro has now fallen below the Dollar...
how to respond to this argument?
Recycling comments to farm karma
It's just a big fucking scam isn't it ?
Muslim woman in full niqab leading a far right protest against drag queen story hour
I believe individual choices are destroying the future.
[OC] Volunteered at a shelter and left with a pup. He’s very happy to be home!
Cooking for Poor People with John Witherspoon
A developer is banned from its game's own Steam forum for flaming other users
If you could fuck any fictional character, who would it be?
Meat eaters: what type of meat, if any, is off your menu for ethical reasons?
incoming locked comments
Drank alchohol until 20 weeks pregnant
If transphobia never existed what do you think would be the true percentage of the population to be trans?
Nintendo Games be like
OP in r/mademesmile just got married, after having met his wife just one year ago at 18 years old. Commenters certainly aren't smiling, and instead opt to rip him (and those who share his sentiments) to shreds in the comment section.
A mod for Spider-Man Remastered that replaces Pride flags with American flags is removed from Nexusmods. Kotaku in Action have strong feelings about this, and multiple fights ensue.