Does anyone know why? 🤔
A Theory ‘From’ Everything.
Trudeau tonight in response to Trump's tariffs - "Canada is the greatest country on Earth. Long live Canada".
India Sucks! Don't Ever Come Here
‘The Curse’ Finale Is Bonkers and Deeply Frustrating
Chimney update. Any structural reasons I can’t remove this oversized hearth?
The ruling class loots the working class through starvation wages
Just because others have it worse sometimes doesn’t mean you don’t have ADHD
Your question/idea/rant is valid and you should post it. Your anxiety is lying to you and someone will care, or need to hear it, or just relate. Share.
30, no degree, officially diagnosed as Inattentive/Hyperactive. The most income I made before 2020 was around $60,000.00. In 2020, my total gross income was $104,000.00, more than what my husband and I made COMBINED in 2019.
I [32F] just found this subreddit and I am crying
[ Meme ] I wonder how ENFPs been told they have ADHD?
I have noticed, after I spend a while mindlessly browsing sites; My inner mind is more chaotic, self critical and tantrumy
How do I best help the Bernie campaign as a foreigner?
Unpopular opinion
Saw this and immediately thought of you guys haha, love you all.
Time managment skills of a carrot
ENFPs/Campaigners, just a reminder for when you’re like me: sleepless at 3am, feeling lonely, and currently reviewing your last failed relationship
Career Path Confusion! (Engineering)
Anyone else feel like they’re not a real person?
Andrew Yang proposes ending school shooter drills, arguing that the trauma and anxiety the process causes far outweigh the likelihood of a real-life shooting.
Start thinking of "saving money" as "making money" instead.
What's the best bike shop for renting a touring bike for two weeks? Also, any advice on renting bikes in general vs. using your own?
"Street" Photographer offers 100DKK portraits in Copenhagen (me)
heading into the second month of my very first home.. what you guys think?
I often read posts here about ENFP- INTJ relationships. Is the film 'Paterson' a good example of one?