Actual real life scientists and researchers what are your concerns about the future regarding the findings of your respective field research considering how much industries are being affected by geopolitics lately?
Confused by storm hate?
why is it my Pokémon are asleep multiple turns (3-5) but it seems like other teams wake up in 1-2 turns without any berries or items?
My best friend who is also a Sag just sent me this. Can my fellow Sagi here relate?
America is in the beginning of the new dark age.
Girl was super into me and showed she wanted me in her life for the past 6 weeks and out of nowhere it changed.
Trump offering buyouts to all federal workers
Is Sagittarius a logical sign or an artistic sign - if one is to assess objectively
I took my cheating ex back
I feel like he is just a high school boy living in a grown man’s body?
Sagittarians, do you find yourself attracting one sign more than any other?
Dear Sags, have you had any sexual encounters with Libras, Scorpios and Tauruses.
AITAH for telling my cheating wife that I deserve a vacation with my girl best friend?
He lit himself on fire.
You dont get to choose your retribution when you fucked up. And youre not evil for getting revenge how you see it.
feeling cursed
End of year.
Any more Sags going through a huge life change right now?
Todays my birthday
My neighbor is freaking out
Life Path Confusion