Combat patrol is terrible: what's the best way to introduce someone to the game and make it fun ?
Do i need more Wardens or more Allarus ?
New Player here: how to use bullgryns ?
My first Eldar army unit!
How to build my sisters ?
Is the krieg launch box worth it for a new guard player ?
My Azrael is finally done !
Oh Nah what did they do to asmodai im deleting Pinterest
My art. How is it?
Not quite digital but Paper edit I made for Max Holloway
how do you guys handle orks ?
" Man-thing spotted, yes-yes ! " Engineer done !
"Man-thing spotted, yes-yes !" Engineer done !
Liberté, egalité, sorceré
Lord Veritant done !
Why does this keep happening to my brushes?
How are you guys enjoying Space Marine 2 so far?
Lord Vertiant Done !
Finished my Lord Veritant !
Lugganath(ish) Autarch !
Lugganath(-ish) Autarch
new packing screw seal too tight ?
Lugganath(ish) Autarch