Canceling my subscription, hope to be back soon - Canada
Book about womanhood
FET 4dp5pt waking up middle of night, trouble falling asleep
Who did you tell you were doing IVF?
Embryo transfer completed. Now what do I do?
IVF distraction hobbies!
It’s Transfer Day. Who’s with me?
2 blasts - skip PGT and go for it?
What does 3 IVF cycles mean?
An unexpected twist - our first Fresh Transfer tomorrow. Advice? Vibes? Success stories?
Guilt for trying
Test darker than yesterday? 6dpt
If you only had one blastocyst - would you fresh transfer, or would you test with PGT-A?
Starting PIO tonight!
Found out yesterday I'm going the IVF route, What's one thing you wish you knew before you started this experience?
Looking for a weekend getaway next month - where’s a great spot to visit along the coast?
Is applying for a fertility loan a terrible idea if we are buying a house this year?
The “Rekha’s Makin’ a Movie” Newsletter
Only four fertilized eggs. Would you cancel genetic testing? Should we switch to fresh transfer?
Embryo to transfer
Only 7 follicles with expected trigger tonight. I know there’s still a chance for success but how do I not spiral?
Rest Stop for r/infertility Long Haulers - Thu Jan 23
Who did you tell about transfer?
First Time Stims Club - who is going through their first Stims cycle (or starting soon)?
Wednesday: I start Wednesday…