Anyone else here born socially awkward but later became a socially adjusted person?
What happened to the kids who had to wear the “baby-leashes” in public? How do you feel about it now?
[New Update] I (27f) made a stupid joke to my husband (30m) and he stormed off. How do I fix this? (aka the Lotion Man saga)
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Sad ain't even the word.
My (27F) partner (29NB) made a comment that’s left me feeling insecure.
My uncle is acting strangely with my sister
Is this allowed??
WIBTA for changing my name passed down from generation to generation?
My (21F) Boyfriend (21M) told me I was immature and to grow up
"Indian Status" in Canada as Americans
Why the heck do I get constipated so easily now?
Jay Treaty to avoid Canadian tariffs
Cereal Hack
It's not straight, is it 😑
Mother (F/55) says I’m (M/23) imagining things she did to me as a child?
Got my period on hotel sheets
My (27f) boyfriend (27m) won’t lose sleep for me. How do I begin to understand this?
Government Freeze
Does anyone else remember this?
Best Mascara under $20?
WTW for sucking someone off non-sexually.
Coworker: "I hate my child."
Questions about appropriate discussion around Celtic and indigenous experiences