Why does everyone like Paarthurnax?
I forgot.
What a find
This is my first playthrough. Are they really supposed to be THIS strong? lmao
Is Hendraheim in Skyrim SE?
Which Jarl throne oozes the most aura?
Did I really just decapitate a thief with a fishing rod?
Weapon Enchantments for 2H Warhammer build
Are the 7000 steps early game?
Do you fulfil your dragonborn destiny first or just go to other sidequests first? Im starting my play on survival and kinda undecided if I do the Dragonborn thing first.
Markarth is the biggest shithole city
Who’s that one follower that always dies no matter how hard you try to keep them alive 🤔 🎯
What happens in Bleak Falls.... Stays in Bleak Falls.
Favorite follower?
Who is the suspicious man?
What’s he smiling about?
One time a draugr deathlord used disarm on me, blowing Mehrunes Razor from my hand. And I spent an hour trying to find it and never did.
When you think you’re a level 70 invincible juggernaut who doesn’t need to save and then this happens
What kind of car does he drive
Where was this pic taken?
You good Lydia?
Why do slme guards still say this when I am not a werewolf?
So uh, what happened to Ivarstead in my game?
[FNV] I noticed that New Vegas has fewer green mods compared to Fallout 3 or 4, so I set out to find the best ones and make the Mojave as lush and green as possible. Here’s the result (so far):
Name Me A Better Game?