Dips form check
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Ultimate way to improve at osu!
combing my girl
Hey bajs, I fapped to porn again, I lasted for like 6 days without it, now I'm sadge, it's not worth it bajs but it's hard... keep strong bajs
Do women want me or not
14M Trying to stick to a plan
qwhj79 was the most upvoted comment under the last post! | One osu! player (current username) for each letter of the alphabet. most upvoted comment wins. Day 18: R
Place u lidla
Chat is this real???
#peppysweep | One osu! player (current username) for each letter of the alphabet. most upvoted comment wins. Day 17: Q
10 year anniversary
Lazer is so cool
U finalu smooooo 🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷
ebola in kampala
UPRAVO!! Dabro viđen sa kalašom u pištolj rundi???
KDE is fantastic
Creatine Peak Transformation
Current situation. I told my barber once it looks bad enough to just shave me bald when she feels it’s time. Not quite sure if I should keep getting fades or just go bald
What movie can you watch a hundred times and still not get sick of it?
My hair is thinning and I have a bad jawline, any advice?
Using Redlight therapy to increase tapping stamina
gravity is a hater
Cijene frizerskih usluga