This guy keep on attacking my straddle
Working 10am-7pm is complete and utter bullshit.
What are some actual super easy side hustles that you can do right now to make money?
Sharing a hotel room with a coworker?
Why do players get so upset when someone calls the clock on them?
What is a complete list of player types?
What’s the perfect excuse of not going to work when supervisors say “hey we just had a call out, are you able to come in to work today?”
Doordash, uber eats, instacart good side hustle?
Recycling cans in Washington worth it?
What side hustle can I do as a 13 year old
What are some things to resell?
Looking for resellers in the US
I just went 5 hours live without winning a pot 💀
I got scammed by buying a knockoff iPhone 16 pro max
Being threatened on Facebook marketplace
Is Zelle as good as cash?
Okay to take Venmo payment if buyer meets in person? + other facts about deal
When should you table change?
Deepstack cash rebuys
Uber Paid Me $46.84 for a +4hr/200mi Trip
Almost none of my male friends ask about my life
Should I buy in for the max in a 1/3 $500-max game?
Is this a call or fold on turn raises with overpair?
maybe maybe maybe
I made my friends girlfriend laugh uncontrollably