iPod touch 7th Gen Battery replacement
BlackBerry 9720 on a train using O2 3G 😀 (UK)
Lucille replica UK Based?
Who here still plays COD World At War: Zombies on a old iPhone?
Passport, best ebook reader!
You enter this shop. Which one you picking? (Manchester, UK)
Moments in Deftones songs that get this face out of you? AKA, the stank face, where a riff/section of a song is so good it´s disgusting.
Just found out Assie Style is gonna be discontinued
How the fuck did you guys quest before Runelite
Which artist outside of the metal world would you be interested in hearing make a metal album?
Fav skill to train and why?
Guess my #1 Deftones song 😅
Iron Dragon Monkey Fist 🐒🥷
Got my first 99 ever!
Are we allowed to ask for friends on here?
Age ranges?
What is your top 3 favorite songs from this album?
My album ranking
Peep Show Reference in Lego Star Wars?
I still play like it’s 2008
Which arena would be better for me, as a casual just starting out?
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Yo on a real topic the best Wii game I’ve played
I've heard that this Monster is considered rare by tons of people...Here in Greece it's literally everywhere