Going to the gun range to shoot myself today
The Daily Check-In for Wednesday, August 28th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
Going NC with my ex who said she loved me more than anything and wanted to be with me forever but now just acts like shes doing me a favor when she texts me
What are some agnostic male names?
You see womens true colors after a break up
Where should I move to?
Got a week sober today with SMART
Made a post venting in the AA sub instead of here and wow some people are exhausting. Myself included.
The Daily Check-In for Tuesday, August 27th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
About 15 yrs ago my dad's Alienware took a dump, he gave me the pad that came with it. Everyday use, still like new. What's you oldest and most durable peripheral?
Honest opinions on glass-free cases?
I think it’s time I became an agnostic
Will angry Joe review outlaws?
The Daily Check-In for Monday, August 26th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!
Boy lemme tell you. This is a man of culture. I also like meat, fast cars and woman’s feet along with watch obviously.
Before and After… wheels made all the difference
Wheel recommendations
Why doesn't lexus allow factory orders?
A friend gave me his Rtx 3070 after he accidentally bought a 7900 XTX while he was drunk. A fine upgrade from my Rtx 2060 if I say so
What games should I play before I die?
My first ever car
Looking for a simple game to kill 3 weeks
so happy to see that this subreddit is low sodium
my fellow pc brothers do you plan to play with a controller or mouse+kb?