Creeping barrage clarification
What do you think Titans should cost?
Guys. This sub is missing something.
Starshatter Arsenal be like
Karl Kopinski's Death Korps Artwork is an Classic but i could never figure out what the Reaver has in it's left Hand. Is it an Quad Laser, a Double Melta, a weird Plasma or something entirely different ?
How possible is a isolated Dynasty that shut themselves off the Horror's of the current Time and have no interaction with any other Race or Dynasty ? I want a Heavily Guarded and Protected Army.
Realistically, how likely do you think it is that we'll get a real second wave of models when our codex is announced, since we're such a small army right now?
Quotable dialgoue you can remember on top of your head or the funniest quote from the movie?
This Video made me think, what's your limit of excuse for Proxies ?
AK muddy ground base advice
Average Space Marines player vs. average World Eaters player
What’s that one unit you can’t live without?
Why do people dislike Blessings of Khorne?
What's your current, Catachan project?
Moirax Proxy?
Ladies, you know what they say about Knight's with Big Hands...
Damn, all of you are so creative.
This year’s Warhammer event miniatures revealed - Warhammer Community
I can never quite settle for 1 Regiment, what made you sure you choose the right one for you ?
My first Titan
How do disguised Hybrids act in a War that does not involve Tyranids ?