Is it normal for high school volleyball teams to be hard to join?
Do you believe college football isn’t as popular in California because the colleges with D1 FBS teams there aren’t accessible to most?
It is normal to develop back pain in your 20s?
Does anyone regret not taking care of their vision when young?
I am jealous of the athletes in high school
I wished I work harder in high school to get into a service academy
[Acne] I wish I took better care of my skin when I was a kid
Would you let a high school kid be a kicker or punter on their high school’s football team?
I hate how high school and college are really the best parts of life
I hate how easy it is to get fired from a job in America
I hate how people whine that Gen Z is socially awkward
It’s frustrating when conservatives say: “young people should serve their country”. Yet, they want to restrict people from working in government or joining the military.
[Acne] Why are dermatologists so useless in dealing with acne?
Why do doctors do a poor job treating acne?
I hate how people scream “lose weight” if you have health problems
I hate having sleep apnea since my early 20s
I hate how so many doctors and employers scream at you to see a therapist or psychologist if you are unhappy
Why do most Americans hate immigrants?
Conservatives don’t care about giving opportunities for the poor and working class
If I want to serve but got disqualified from the military, what other options do I have?
Conservatives are making it too hard to join the US military
Why do so many conservatives claim more people should join the military, yet they want the military to be harder to join?
What do you believe should be the medical standards do the US military?
What should the medical standards be for the US military?
Do you believe frequent computer use in one’s childhood can damage their vision?