Mom seems to enjoy being the martyr to a sickly or injured child, basks in being told how loving and caring she is and how lucky we are to have her
Parents seem to forget anything about me past the age of 12 (I am 30)
30F. Mild mcl sprain- should I wear anything for hiking/contact sports while healing? Like a compression sleeve or brace?
how much did your body change after doing taekwondo?
Mild mcl sprain- should I wear anything for hiking/contact sports while healing? Like a compression sleeve or brace?
Aio for using a walking stick with a mildly sprained knee (MCL)?
How do you recover after knockdown in sparring
When someone downvotes you or insults you on here, do you take it personally?
Have you ever had a premonition as to how you will likely die? If so, what was it?
What is more dangerous: alpine racing or combat sports?
What is with people wanting to police what I eat?!
Why do people assume that I (cis woman) am trans?
Why are some cis woman athletes accused of being trans?
Why are people so scared of n song alone in the wilderness?
Why is bjj and Muay Thai such a common combo for gyms?
Why did you get into Muay Thai?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
When it comes to cultural appropriation of hair styles, do you find guys or gals are called out more?
Can you get “hooked” on antidepressants? What about sedatives prescribed for anxiety?
What do you think of girls/women who consistently date men 10 or more years older?
Have you ever met someone who appears incredibly stoic?
Why are contortionists sexualized?
What is the normal amount of trying to embarrass your adult children?
What is your opinion of places that give little kids black belts after 4-5 years of classes?
I tweaked my knee while hiking over the weekend and still have a limp. Should I skip class today?