how to handle the logic of an inventory system?
[1.20.6] are there any mods to add multiple world spawns that people spawn randomly at?
are there any mods that allow absorbing player souls?
Noelle, I guess we got in the wrong pixelated game...
using picture-in-picture with other tabs
the (unofficial) evil autism minecraft server is back!
The trashcan on the right. Why did that shadow disappear?
To clarify I'm very against telling anyone to kill themselves especially 16 year olds
Why is it assumed they the 6 fallen humans were all children?
mods to make minecraft more uncompromising?
some updates from the (unofficial) evil autism minecraft server
the launch of the (unofficial) evil autism minecraft server has gone great! two great powers have formed in the central peninsula
the (unofficial) evil autism minecraft server is doing a reset
how to prevent mid-late game boredom?
Self-driving Rule
[1.20.1] plugin to change nether ratio that isnt multiverse?
I didn't like the end of chapter 7
trying to find a shop plugin i once saw
how do you learn to learn hoi4?
Good video tutorials for learning the animator?
mods for making nomadic playthroughs less tedious?
things are wild (west) in the unofficial evil autism minecraft server
why are modded sharp objects so buggy?