I’m basically still a 7-year-old kid when it comes to being excited about bikes 🥹
If Allah made everyone perfect as they are, and plastic surgery, fillers or even plucking eyebrows is Haram, then why do males have to get circumcised?
Serious or smiling. What’s your favorite look? Please be honest.
Can someone remove the girl on the left please
Did you get bullied as a kid or seen as *weird*?
Need grooming/trimming advice
Short Stubble? Long Stubble? Beard? Stache w Stubble?
Being Gazundered for £20k less in Manchester - advice needed
When you were a kid, did your Nparent give you a hard time about going to a friend’s house?
Have you ever snapped at your Nparent in front of a stranger?
Anyone else who developed really poor hygiene skills because they were never taught anything?
Do we need to accept that we were not loved?
Anyone else’s parents have a “kind” demeanor?
The Applewhites’ Storyline Had So Many Loose Ends
It’s my dad’s 74th birthday and he wondered if there was a way to make this photo of his parents clear. My brother and I immediately came here.
Selling - Signed CDs
I said the funniest thing when my mom was dying and nobody laughed!
Been pondering if I should get an eyebrow slit. Should I? I’m thinking my left. Wdyt???
Turned my phone on for 20 seconds to hear a video of me singing for practice. Nparents losing their mind
walrus mustache
Baked this chessboard cake for my bf’s birthday ☺️♟️
Why do they say such casually cruel things?
My mom got jealous that creepy men were going for me in Walmart
Did your parents throw away important things of yours
If someone knows my WiFi password and has previously accessed my WiFi, can they see my search history remotely?