My straight partner is going to pride, she's going to be in the parade. Her friends tell her it's weird to go, prove them wrong.
What’s your most unimpressive connection to a celebrity?
I cheated online
I 26F Being cheated on over 50 times in the past year by 32M- broken, and distraught
Do sober people have random hookups?
Does your wife not clean, what is their excuse? Does it bother you?
Do you believe that men and women can be platonic friends?
Should I tell my boyfriend I think about leaving him because I feel like he's out of my league?
I got my first real date and now I’m not sure I want to or can date.
Do you feel comfortable doing traditionally feminine things? If so, why?
What are women from divorced families like?
I was banned from Reddit
Are you ok knowing you're probably mediocre at anything you do in life?
Too ugly for a GF.
Advice: give love and attention to your partner without them having to ask for it
Do I ask my F17 best freind to take my M15 v card
Why do some men close their eyes during sex?
Why did my platonic guy friend ask me if I snore?
How did you lower your standards in women?
Is violence in a relationship something that can be worked through?
Did she just want to have fun?
Are you a simp/cuck?
How do you feel about “friends first”?
Have you a relationship with a content creator on OF?
36m here