DBWI:Have Prussia win the seven years war
Rausten is secretly the most powerful realm of Magvel.
Have the aztecs colonise Iberia.
What if the Holy Roman Empire had managed to survive until WW1?
What if napoleon had never made the continental system ?
What if the 30 years war never happened ?
What if the Weimar republic survived ?
what if monaco didnt sell a majority of its' land to france?
What if scipio campaign in Spain failed completely ?
What if the US didn't enter WW2 after pearl harbor ?
What if Gorbachev purged his opposition ?
What if Belgium had joined the Allies after the munich crisis ?
What if, in WWI, the Cousin's Alliance and Japan fared off against the rest of Europe and the U.S
What if Germany had won the battle of the bulge, leading to the western allies surrendering ?
Why was king Fado nicknamed Warrior king ?
What if for some reason Argentina collapsed into a warlord like state in 1917?
What if Zephiel dies in Battle Before Dawn?
What if Napoleon won a total victory at trafalgar ?
What if the UK never declared war on Nazi Germany ?
If the Union had carried out mass executions of all southern males who supported the confederacy and sold off their property.
What if the morgenthau plan had been applied ?
Challenge:With no POD prior to the Enabling act,Have France and germany become allies before 1945.
What if the Duma had obtained real power in 1905 ?
What if Nazi Germany produced nukes ?
What if the Second Sino-Japanese war hadn't happened ?