Do i stay with business admin or switch it?
Braiding with weak hands and poor fine motor control
is data camp the way to go for a beginner wanting to learn Python and SQL?
Worrying that you're 'faking' your illness or disability
are there any songs that you just can't listen to because they make you feel extremely overwhelmed?
Should I stick with Costco for the next 4 years or should I go to college?
Says he’s anxious
I asked out a pretty girl I liked. She said no, but I'm still proud and happy I did it!
Paid Off My Car
2 months off nicotine!
I dont have any close friends i can talk to, my family is complicated and my bf of 5 year doesn't seem to care...
Should I switch my major to math?
how bad does chronic pain to be to be a sign of some kind of illness/disease?
I F/36 don’t know how to feel about M/33 rape fantasy?
I wish I was a Monica but I'm a Rachel. What about you?
I’m being cheated out of my grade. What can I do?
I [21F] have an issue with BF [21M] about grad school, what do we do?
Back pain if I lay flat at night..
I think this sub uses the word “abuse” too lightly.
Can someone explain this to me?
Digital copy of my diploma
I genuinely don’t know what to major in
What’s the worst chat up line you’ve had as a wheelchair user?
Just got my first proper job!
I hit 100 pounds! (TW disordered eating)